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Marty & The Intrepid

A few years ago I got the word from my doctor that I needed to change my diet, my exercise habits, you know basically everything about my life. So I began to exercise regularly if not I wouldn't be around to see if Social Security would actually pay out. As I wrote in the Marlyn Newsletter, On The Road series there are things you can do while on show site to lose weight and keep fit.

The process is not always easy and at times lonely. Going to the gym instead of going to dinner after a long day in the ballroom isn't always a slam duck choice.

So when I got a chance to head over to the Intrepid to join the IronStrength exercise session after work, I jumped on it. A thousand of us sweated and laughed together. I couldn't completely leave it all behind...the audio system was driving me crazy, and get this it was sponsored by JBL. oops
But to live on the road, you got to make the healthy choice whenever you can.